Archive for category recipes

Soup’s On!

The last few days I have been really hungry for soup. I’ve been looking at different soup recipes trying to find one that sounds really  good at the same time as being healthy. I am trying to boost protein and fiber in my diet and eat plenty of veggies. On my search I not only found one that sounded good, I found THREE! Instead of choosing just one to make, I decided to make all three.

Today was the day, I went to the store and gathered the ingredients and set to work! As with almost all recipes I kind of stray from it and do my own thing. That way I feel like I can call it my own. 😉

Here are the chosen soup recipes:

Spicy Mexican Sweet Potato, Black Bean, & Rice Soup –

This soup has a unique flavor that makes you slow down and savor it!

Black Bean Chili with Rice –

This is really good, I went ahead and mixed the rice in and it is really thick almost like a jambalaya. Love it!

Quinoa Vegetable Soup –

This one I have not tasted yet, but it looks and smells delicious!


I am looking forward to eating from my soup buffet this week. Something about soup just speaks cozy to me.


 Day 49 of 365

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Day 1: Comfort Food With a Twist

It’s January in Iowa which means that 4 letter word. SNOW!!! Even though this winter was delayed a month or so it finally reared its ugly head and dumped mounds of snow upon us. Which makes me hibernate for two days just because I can. What better to do with your snowed in days but to enjoy the view through the picture window, watch movies until your bum is sore and to cook comfort food?

The problem? I am trying to eat for my blood type. Sounds weird I know, but it works. If you want to know more ask me or do a search for Joseph Christiano’s blood type diet. My blood type is O+ and according to the blood type diet I need to cut out white and wheat flour which cuts out almost all breads and pastas. Like 99% of dairy products and a few fruits and veggies (potatoes being one of them) which sounds odd but hey! Like I said it works.

All of that makes comfort food impossible right?

Wrong! There is a little bit of saving grace which is called the 20% rule. Conveniently I like a lot of the food on my beneficial and my ok list but sometimes I need to bring in the 20% rule and use something off my avoid list.

So, Here’s my comfort food with a twist. Keep in mind unless I am following a recipe I don’t measure, so I can’t give you exact measurement on everything. So if you borrow these recipes you have to use creative interpretation.

Vegetable Beef Soup

Roast – rubbed with olive oil and cayenne pepper and cooked in crock-pot until falling apart. YUM!

Juice from Crock-pot                     Beef broth

Tomato Juice                                   Cut up roast

Peas                                                   Carrots

Turnips                                             Sweet potato

Green Beans                                    Onions

Tabasco sauce                                 Salt & Pepper

Mix all together and cook on low until veggies are all cooked and soup is smelling delicious. This soup is NOT spicy hot, I just use enough of the cayenne pepper and tabasco sauce to just add flavor.  The only thing in this soup that is not on my good lists is the black pepper. The amounts you use depends on how much soup you want.

Chicken and Biscuits

Biscuits made from gluten-free bisquick

Chicken Broth                                  Canned Chicken w/juice

Peas                                                    Carrots

Onion                                                 Rice Flour

Cream of Mushroom Soup            Soul Seasoning

Tabasco Sauce                                 Salt & Pepper

Bring to boil chicken, peas, carrots & onion in chicken broth. Turn down heat and add seasonings stir in rice flour to thicken and add cream of mushroom soup. Serve over biscuits. Once again tabasco sauce is just for flavoring, there is not enough to make it spicy. The only ingredients not on  my ok lists are the soup and the pepper.

Both recipes were very comforting on a cold winter’s day.

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